Supervised a team of four elite Web Presence Professionals servicing digital marketing needs for a vertical of more than 80 small to medium-sized clients across the country.
Key Highlights
- Responsible for the development and administration of social media, search engine optimization, reputation management and content marketing for clients.
- Generated and narrated new company product videos, conducted web-conference training seminars for Regional Sales Managers, Client Services Consultants, Internet Marketing Consultants, and Account Managers and co-authored the ReachCast Reporting Handbook and Glossary.
- Responsible for the Social Media presence and site maintenance on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for 80+ Dental accounts.
- Developed and led a ReachLocal record-breaking 6-month ReachCast campaign for a company in Gloucester, Massachusetts, resulting in: 14,764 unique visits, 2,609 new fans and followers, and 1,454 social leads and engagements during the 6-month campaign.
- Successfully developed a Twitter co-marketing strategy, using an iPad 2 giveaway, resulting in a 400 percent increase in Facebook Fans.